Database Marketing is the building, maintenance and enhancement of a database which lists your organisation’s current and potential customers. Once established, your database is the key tool to identify and exploit marketing opportunities for your business.
A specifically-designed database is critical to the success of a company’s direct marketing strategy as it permits analysis, research and precise follow-up of all customer communications.
Database marketing enables businesses to better understand the dynamics of their customer base at any given point in time across the customers lifecycle.
Permits a quick, detailed and cost-effective analysis of your target audience.
This process is the key to ensuring the other 90% of a campaign is achieved.
Allows sophisticated analysis of demographic, lifestyle, life cycle and census data to further target your most appropriate audience.
Improves your understanding and selection of customers offering the greatest business potential.
Eliminates duplicate and non-deliverable messages through sophisticated testing and screening procedures.
Fully integrates with all Customer Connect direct marketing services.
Some of our services include:
Marketing strategy support.
Database design.
Data entry and verification.
Merge and deduplication of information.
Customer find.
Buyer behaviors mapping.
Target audience selection.
Analysis and reporting.
Support the development of an overall marketing and sales strategy or campaign.
Identify new target markets.
Support a market expansion program.
Identify the most appropriate target audience for a new product launch.
Improve the ‘strike rate’ and professionalism of a sales force through better targeting clients offering the greatest potential.
Analyse and monitor the purchase behaviour of target markets.
Reduce mailing cost through the elimination of non-deliverable mail.
Control, monitor and analyse campaign performance.